North Shore Academy (NSA) is founded on a model that better meets the needs of the student athlete. NSA acknowledges the many demands of extra-curricular activities and family responsibilities without sacrificing the quality of education. With our progressive and innovative approach to learning, the flexibility and customization of an inspiring high school education has finally arrived.
Our Academy experience offers a hybrid of in-class and e-learning platforms for students to progress at their own structured pace with the support of teachers and modern technology. This allows more time and freedom to enjoy engaging activities and other life interests without compromise.
North Shore Academy is a destination school of choice for student athletes. Students who require a flexible schedule attend NSA from all over the Lower Mainland, from Squamish to Abbotsford.
The experience, flexibility, customization, and schedule we offer is second to none.
At NSA we have fused the best of the e-learning world and traditional teaching to create an exceptional education environment. We are experienced educators and specialists in blended learning, providing our students with the customized schedule they need to succeed in their sport or extracurricular activity. Whether you are an athlete or seeking to excel in another activity, NSA will meet your specific requirements to allow you to achieve performance excellence.
Our programs are designed for:
If you are a student in Grade 7-12 that seeks excellence in any of these areas, our school on Vancouver’s North Shore was built for you.
As a small school, we have a dedicated and flexible staff who inspire and challenge our students to reach their full academic potential. Along the way, we ensure students get the most out of their Academy experience through our passion to educate and commitment to serve. At North Shore Academy we foster personal growth, instill self-confidence and strive for a sense of community. With our education partner NIDES, BC certified teachers, education assistants, specialized academic tutors, counsellors, administration and support staff, our team is well regarded and loves what we do.
North Shore Academy Campus
Mark Tremaine, Director of Education
Lanita Moore, Director of Admissions
Lachlan MacMillan, Director of Student Success
Tom McEvay, Academic Advisor
Alix Dunham, Mental Health Liaison
Navigate NIDES Administration
Gerald Fussell, Principal
Alison Kavaliunas, Vice Principal
Wendy Chase, Counsellor
Susan Wydenes, Learning Support